Infinite Journeys Challenge

This is my final entry and breakdown of my entry into the Infinite Journeys challenge from Pwnisher.


Final Submission for the Infinite Journeys Challenge
Timelapse of my work for the Infinite Journeys Challenge
My main character inside of substance painter with the final textures
Texture Set for my main characters
Spaceship inside of Substance Pinter with the final textures
Texture Set of the Spaceship
Seat inside of Substance Pinter with the final textures
Texture set of the seat
The wall inside of Substance Pinter with the final textures
Texture set of the wall
the cup inside of Substance Pinter with the final textures
Texture set of the cup
AE file making the news graphic for an Ipad
AE file making the music graphic for an Ipad
AE file making the stonks graphic for an Ipad